Laureaci Europejskiej Nagrody Obywatelskiej 2013 wybrani! |
Jacek Głomb,
Teatr Arka, Ośrodek "Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN" oraz Alicja Kobus są
wśród 43 laureatów Europejskiej Nagrody Obywatelskiej przyznawanej corocznie
przez Parlament Europejski.
Nagroda jest przyznawana od 2008 roku organizacjom i
instytucjom przyczyniającym się do promowania wzajemnego zrozumienia i bliższej
współpracy obywateli lub ułatwiającym transgraniczną i międzynarodową
współpracę w Unii Europejskiej. Zwycięzcy otrzymają honorowe medale podczas
ceremonii, które odbędą się w krajach, z których pochodzą. Zostaną również
zaproszeni do Brukseli na wspólne uroczystości w dniach 16-17 października.
polscy laureaci nagrody to:
Parlament Europejski, Biuro informacyjne w Polsce
This year's award winners are Polish:
Jacek Glomb - theater and film director, director of the Theatre in Legnica. His work presents the stories of local communities and ethnic minorities, promoting respect for cultural, religious and linguistic diversity. Jacek Glomb is the founder of the Foundation "Restoration of the World", to support the integration of different nationalities. This year also implements the project "Twenty years after the" commemorating the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Polish.
Ark Theatre in Wroclaw - the only professional theater integration in Poland, which includes people with disabilities. For ten years, the theater's director is Renata Jasińska. The mission of the theater is to promote equality, openness, sensitivity and tolerance. Theatre has partnered with foreign Goldoni Theatre in Livorno and universities in Arizona and Buffalo. Theatre participates in many important festivals in Poland and abroad.
Alicja Kobus - social activist and promoter of Jewish culture in Poland. She is the president of the Poznan branch of the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland. Mrs. Kobus promotes dialogue, tolerance and cooperation between different ethnic and religious groups. Every year she organizes Days of Judaism. She also promotes Polish and European culture in Israel. Alicja Kobus organizes educational programs for schools in Wielkopolska, and promotes cooperation between the Polish and Jewish youth. Mrs. Kobus takes care of Jewish cemeteries and places of worship.
"Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre" - is a local cultural institution operating in Lublin for the protection of cultural heritage and education. His work expresses symbolically its headquarters located in the Brama Grodzka Gate, also known as the Jewish Quarter, which was once the transition to the Jewish part of the city and was the contact of different cultures and traditions. "Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre" runs a number of different projects, such as "Light in the Darkness - The Righteous Among the Nations".
The winners were chosen on June 5 in Brussels, chaired by the chapter Vice-President of the European Parliament Anni Podimata (S & D, Greece). The members of the chapter were also Vice-President of the EP Alexander ALVARO (ALDE, Germany), Isabelle Durant (Greens / EFA, Belgium), Othmar KARAS (EPP, Austria) and László SURJÁN (EPP, HU), were EP President Hans-Gert Pöttering (EPP, Germany) and Enrique Barón Crespo, Annemarie JORRITSMA, Co Council of European Municipalities and Regions, as well as Peter Matjaši, President of the European Youth Forum.
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