Listy Prezydenta Obamy do Pana Dynina

I odpowiedz pana G. Dynina



George Dynin

P.O. Box 7757

Athens, GA 30604

Phone: 706-208-1677706-208-1677

Fax: 706-208-8180

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March 14, 2014



President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500



Dear Mr. President,


I appreciate very much your letter from the White House, dated March 12, 2014. Since my birthday is March 19, I consider your letter as my birthday gift. Thank you very, very much.


I would like to tell you a few words about me. During WWII, I was able to save a number of Jewish residents of Horodyszcze (near Baranowicze), as well as two members of the Polish Underground. As you can imagine, it was very risky. In addition, I was a member of the Polish Underground, under the name of Hrabia (Count) Jerzy Dunin. You can read more about me by googling “Dynin and Karski.”


Again, thank you and best regards to you and your family,



George Dynin

Holocaust Survivor